Our creative curriculum is a broad and balanced, knowledge-rich curriculum delivered through a range of subject-specific projects. Based on the Cornerstones principles, the curriculum is led by ten central 'big ideas' drawing on common themes:
- Humankind: Understanding what it means to be human and the cause and effect of human behaviour.
- Processes: Understanding the many dynamic and physical processes that shape the world around us.
- Creativity: Understanding how everyday and exceptional creativity can inspire and change perceptions.
- Investigation: Understanding the importance of asking questions, formulating hypotheses, gathering information and analysing evidence.
- Materials: Understanding the unique and physical properties of all matter and how we interact with them.
- Nature: Understanding the complexities and features of the natural world, including the plant and animal species that inhabit it.
- Place and Space: Understanding the visual, cultural, social and environmental aspects of different places around the world.
- Comparison: Understanding how and why things are the same or different.
- Significance: Understanding why significant people, places, events and inventions matter.
- Change: Understanding why and how things have changed over time.
The creative curriculum has then been developed around these concepts with termly topics, (half-termly in Reception), focusing on careful sequencing to ensure topics and lessons are progressive. The placement of content is based on subject schema and the interconnectivity between subjects meaning that we are able to teach in a dynamic cross-curricular way with multiple subjects linking to one central theme which is further contextualised to meet the needs of our pupils at Fairway.
An example of this is with our Bright Lights, Big Cities topic where children learn all about London while making comparisons to other major cities. As part of this topic. children visit Central London to build on their capital cultural experiences and to enthuse a love of learning and adventure.
Our complete curriculum maps can be found below: