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Senior Leadership Team


Nursery Team

Kajal Shah & Sian Lewis Nursery & Children's Centre Strategic Leads

Jess, Carol, Sani, Blerta & Mojgan: Blossom Class

Jo, Leanne & Yasaman: Cherry Class

Zuzana, Sarah, Michelle, Gabriella & Jasmine: Apple Class

Support Staff: Admin

Mrs O'Toole & Mrs McEvoy Office Team

Mrs Hadjicostas & Capita School Bussiness Manager & Finance

Mr Pansuriya & Capita IT Support

Support Staff: Site

Mr Shodiya Caretaker

Mr Barrett Site Assistant

Mrs Curtis Domestic Assistant

Additional Staff

Mrs Medcalf Assistant SENCO

Jill Smith Family Support Coordinator

Support Staff: Teaching & Learning

Miss Ackom

Mrs Beauchamp

Miss Buckman

Miss Christoforou

Mrs Fennessy

Mrs Malhotra

Ms McCallum-Nelson

Ms Pankhania

Mrs Randolph

Mrs Reilly

Support Staff: Lunchtime Cover

Mrs Ngoo

Mrs O'Donnell

Mrs Bahal

Mrs Dehari

Number of staff with salary £100,000 or above = 0

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