Subject Leader: Sarah Lefevre
At Fairway Primary School, our intention is to provide a practical and engaging, high quality curriculum that inspires our children to succeed in science and help them make sense of the world around them. We do this by adopting an exploratory and investigative approach to enable them to understand scientific concepts as well as develop their skills of working scientifically.
At Fairway, we use the National Curriculum to teach children the different disciplines of science; biology, chemistry and physics. The programmes of study differ from each year group, however, as some topics are revisited children can build upon their prior knowledge and their understanding is developed throughout their time at school.
Children have weekly lessons in Science throughout Key Stages 1 and 2, using the National Curriculum programmes of study. In the Early Years, Science is taught through the children learning about the world around them through play and focused, adult-led activities which secure their understanding and development of ‘The World’.
Planning for science is a process in which all teachers are involved. Science teaching at Fairway Primary School involves adapting and extending the curriculum to match all pupils’ needs. We deliver a thematic curriculum. Some of our topics are science-based topics. A variety of resources are used to support teachers in their planning and implementation of the science curriculum for their year. They plan so that they engage their children’s interests, use support staff effectively and include current events where appropriate. Science is taught as discrete units and lessons and as a blocked subject to ensure children develop the skills and knowledge from that topic as well as to ensure full coverage.
The impact of our curriculum will enable our students to leave Fairway with the foundations of understanding the world around them. Our science curriculum is planned to demonstrate progression and allow all students to make good or better progress.
The approach allows all children to:
Ask questions, think critically and evaluate the world around them
Build on their prior knowledge
Understand new concepts
Use scientific vocabulary
Work collaboratively
Develop of love of learning
Reason scientifically
Confidently use a range of science equipment