Subject Leader: Michael Reilly
At Fairway Primary School, we are proud of our English curriculum and the way in which we have developed it to meet the needs of our pupils. Through teaching the National Curriculum, we seek to provide the teaching and learning to develop a wide range of skills in each of the areas of: Spoken Language, Reading, Writing, and Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation.
At Fairway Primary School:
- We recognise the effect that a confident, fluent and coherent understanding of English will have on a pupil’s progress, both inside and outside of the school environment.
- We understand how a strong grounding in English will impact the future learning and development of a pupil in all aspects of their life.
- We provide a broad and balanced curriculum that encompasses writing practice, including handwriting, spelling, widening vocabulary, and writing for different styles, purposes, and audiences, as well as focusing on spoken English, reading, grammar and pronunciation.
- We ensure that all staff members are aware of planning, assessment, teaching and learning requirements for the English curriculum
- We ensure that all pupils know how to plan, practice and evaluate their work.
- We ensure that all pupils understand all elements of English, as per the national curriculum.
Implementation: Early Reading/Phonics
At Fairway Primary School, our children learn to read by following the ‘Read Write Inc’ phonics program. Children learn to:
- Decode letter-sound correspondences quickly and effortlessly, using their phonic knowledge and skills Read common exception words on sight.
- Understand what they read.
- Read aloud with fluency and expression.
- Write confidently, with a strong focus on vocabulary and grammar.
- Spell quickly and easily by segmenting the sounds in words.
- Acquire good handwriting.
This is achieved by working in homogenous groups which are smaller than average sizes, allowing us to have a greater focus on pupil progress.
Our children are further supported by:
- Being sent home with reading books appropriate for the child’s reading level.
- Receiving sound videos at home to review weekly.
- Receiving additional 1:1 fast track tuition in school (where required).
- Receiving catch-up phonics in Y2-Y4 (where required).
- Attending Fresh Start sessions in Y5-Y6 (where required).
To find out more information about Read Write Inc please book an appointment to see our English Lead or click here.
Implementation: Writing, Speaking & Listening
At Fairway Primary School, our English sessions are built around high-quality children’s literature. Using engaging and creative teaching techniques, we encourage and develop children's knowledge and skills across all genres; including story writing and poetry, to enrich our children’s interests and skills in reading and writing.
We further develop our children's creativity by embedding drama and creating links across the wider curriculum.
Children develop their speaking and listening skills through role-play and other carefully planned activities such as performances.
We embed spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) into our curriculum ensuring children are exposed to high-quality examples of modelled writing.
Our 'showcase' writing walls in every classroom along with our successes in young writers' publications are just two examples of how our English curriculum at Fairway Primary School captures the excitement of learning within English lessons.
Reading for Pleasure
In addition to teaching children fundamental reading skills, we endeavour to instil a true 'Love of Reading' throughout the school.
This is achieved by sharing stories (older children reading to younger children), visiting our school and mobile libraries, participating in reading events such as World Book Day, and celebrating discussions about books.
Implementation: Reading
At Fairway Primary School, we develop children's reading skills by following the VIPERS model through carefully planned guided reading sessions.
Children develop their vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising skills by using high-quality texts across a variety of genres.

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Pupils leave Fairway Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic content; with the understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible and aware; how to make positive contributions to the local area and how to endeavour to be the best that they can be.
Children attending Fairway Primary School enjoy our English curriculum and as a result, produce work they are proud of.
The impact of our English curriculum supports us to deliver success for all.