At Fairway School and Children’s Centre we understand that pupils learn in a variety of ways. They learn through play, from a variety of experiences, through being given information, being taught and shown how to acquire skills and do things; they learn by trial and error, deduction and analogy, by problem-solving of a practical and intellectual kind, by imaginative and exploratory work. If learners were to be treated merely as passive recipients, then their learning would be severely circumscribed. We value the fact that pupils bring their personal experience, their interests, habits and particular learning strategies, their culture and heritage to the learning process.
Fairway School and Children’s Centre is committed to providing high-quality learning experiences that lead to a consistently high level of pupil achievement. A characteristic feature of effective learning is that it is active. Active learning is not to be confused with simply having practical things to do, with lots of activity. It is much more complex than that; it is intellectual engagement with a task or a problem. Active learning can be applied to a practical task, to a conversation, to simply sitting still and thinking about things. The activity itself may be mental or physical.